Website Development

Web Development from Emagine Engine

Professional Development for Every Size Venture

Web Development Designed for Ventures

Your venture will be judged by the quality of your site. That's why Emagine Engine offers poweful development options for each stage of your venture.

Build it yourself with the powerful free tools included with your hosting, select Emagine Engine's affordable template-based service, or hire Emagine Engine for a custom site build.

Development that Matches the Size of Your Venture

Emagine Engine offers Self-Built, Pre-Built, and Custom-Built options for developing your online Venture. Ecommerce is available in all plans.

  • Self-Built: All Hosting Plans from Emagine Engine come with the tools to create your own blog, ecommerce store, forum, social networking site. These are powerful tools you can use on your own as you Incubate your venture, and beyond.
  • Pre-Built: Personalized Website Design based on templates and the Wordpress Blog / Content Management System. Professional designers customize the template to your requirements. Development is in a live staging hosted environment, then transferred to Emagine Engine hosting for your site launch. Site completion within two weeks (dependent on your contributions of site plan). Your content, or content you have separately contracted for with Emagine Engine.
  • Custom-Built: Custom development of Web applications or CMS Implementations. Emagine Engine will evaluate your project, determine which skills are available in-house and which must be contracted out, generate estimates based on your needs, and put together a plan.
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Emagine Engine gives you the tools for a great site at every stage of your venture.

Web Development Tuned to the Life Cycle of Ventures

The Business or Venture life cycle includes the stages of Incubation, Startup, Growth, and Momentum.

If you like to delegate and you're at the Startup, Growth, or Momentum phases of your venture, the Pre-Built and Custom-Built development plans are for you.

If you are at the Incubate phase or if you just like to do things yourself, the Self-Built tools include the leading Open Source, dynamic site building tools. They have propelled countless sites from the Incubate phase to the Momentum phase.